23 February 2016

The Redmaws' Grey Hunter Plasma Gunner

The Redmaws didn't seem to get a lot of attention in the Curse of the Wulfen, which is a little unexpected, considering Bran Redmaw's and his company's feral nature. However, I'm not starting another Great Company any time soon, and if I ever get around to modelling a full Murderpack, I'd probably field it with the Redmaws. Of course, that requires some Redmaws to field, so on with it.
 I recently sculpted a Blood Claw with a grinning face, and decided I want more of those. For the Plasma Gunner, I wanted a head with a wide grin. It's a dangerous task, and takes a warrior with the courage to laugh in the face of danger. I ended up with something like the Wolverine with Abe Lincoln's beard, which is not a bad combination for a Space Wolf.
 I accidentally gave the model a left shoulder pad from Ragnar Blackmanes' Great Company. That will have to change. Note the Mk. II arms. I like to think Grey Hunters are prestigious enough to earn the right to use some of the more ancient armour and weapons.

With this one modelled (almost, except for the shoulder pad and missing helmet, which I'll add somewhere on him), I have almost finished my heavy infantry-killing Grey Hunter pack. Now just to finish painting it...

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