5 February 2016

The Redmaws' Grey Hunter, painted

I have been working on both extremes of the Space Wolves age scale lately, so I decided to center myself, and paint another Grey Hunter. The Redmaws plasma pack still needs a few more warriors, and I had some Sternguard bits lying around.
 The head and bolter were from the Sternguard Veterans kit, while most of the rest of the model came from the standard Space Wolves Pack kit. The head was chosen simply because it was different from the Space Wolves heads, but had enough of a beard to look suitably wolfy. I imagine him being an unusually by-the-numbers Space Wolf, as can be seen from his trimmed beard and a bolter using a targeter.
 I wanted to give the model's chainsword some extra decoration, and once again ended on my standard knotwork pattern.
I'm also starting to learn how to do the Redmaws' Great Company badge relatively quickly. It's not completely unlike a David's star.
I gave the model some subtle identifying tattoos, keeping in line with him being a little on the stoic side, probably sometimes made fun of for being almost codex compliant.
In the real world, not so much: he still needs to be varnished (I had misplaced the can). Gonna go do that now.

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