9 February 2016

Space Hulk Brother Scipio

Time to get on with my Space Hulk miniatures. There still are a few Terminators left, plus I have to locate the Librarian, whom I have misplaced at the moment. I seem to recall undercoating the miniature before misplacing it. In the meantime, though, Brother Scipio, the one who is actively smashing the place apart (the place being an amalgamation of a whole bunch of ancient spaceships and nearly impervious to damage, so I say let him).
 I have to say I like the pose. It shows the raw power of a Terminator armour with a power fist/glove, the character tearing huge sheets of metal off the floor. That said, I'm not sure what that's supposed to accomplish exactly, since no rules exist for making impromptu barricades (though that would be cool) and though he has every reason to dislike the hulk he's on, it's not the floor's fault he's being attacked by multi-limbed alien monsters.
 I wanted to repeat the bisected pattern of his right pauldron on his power fist's casing, as the way the model is posed makes it visible to the almost completely opposite direction.
Again, the Crux Terminatus stone on the model is less than brilliantly defined, and the shade doesn't work as well as it could.
The various Purity Seals on the model don't really give an uniform sense of movement on the model. Some are flying in one direction, the others another. It's not going to ruin my day, but GW could have done better here.

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