21 August 2015

Logan Grimnar, the High King of Fenris

Logan Grimnar is one of those cases where GW's own model looked alright, but I still had to make my own, no matter how ambitious the project would become. After all, it couldn't really be my Space Wolves army, if the Chapter Master was a standard model (hmm, I may have just condemned myself to sculpting my own version of Leman Russ).
One of the inspiring thoughts behind the model was the persistent rumour that Logan has turned renegade. I could have gone the obvious route and try to make a model to deny this, but instead, I wanted to intentionally make things a little ambiguous. I attached no purity seals anywhere on the model, and I added a broken Imperial Eagle at his feet, leaving it up to the viewer to decide if he's about to trample over it or if he's defending it to his last breath.

 Since Logan Grimnar is repeatedly mentioned to be the biggest, tallest Space Wolf in the Chapter after Arjac, I wanted the model to reflect this. I added a little bit of green stuff to the bottoms of his armoured boots. The Belt of Russ helps conceal that I also made his midsection a little longer for the same purpose. I also sculpted Grimnar's personal badge on his left leg, and cut off the head from the pelt-apron, since the only wolf's head decoration his armour is mentioned to have is Fellclaw's gilded head, pulling the double duty of a crown and a trophy.
Fellclaw's head was fun to sculpt, as wolf's head generally are. I decided to leave the eye sockets empty to give it a little more sinister look.
The Axe of Morkai is built of a custom-sculpted blade attached to a thunder hammer's haft. To make the weapon look large enough to be two-handed (compared to the one-handed thunder hammers), I also made the haft a little longer by covering a short length of steel wire with green stuff and sculpting a small figure of Morkai to its end. I also replaced the cable with a length of guitar string.
I really wanted his storm bolter to be belt-fed. Fortunately, the Wolf Guard Terminator set provides a belt-fed model, so all that was left was to attach it to the side of the weapon, slap in on his wrist and fill in the gaps with putty (again, a mix of ProCreate and Green Stuff -- I did this part early on).

I'm generally pretty satisfied with how he turned out and hope it will still look good once painted.
See the painted model

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