30 August 2015

Thunderwolf Cavalry with a Thunder Hammer

The title makes me wonder, if I had the rider also wearing a Mk.I "Thunder" Power Armour, would I hear from AC/DC's lawyer?
Anyway, I decided to move forward with my Thunderwolf Cavalry. Of the mounts in the box, this one has the least dynamic pose, choosing to stalk instead of running or leaping. I decided to make it look like the wolf is going around some rough terrain. Because I happened to have some very old Citadel Skeleton Warrior parts lying around, I decided to throw in a corpse, too.

 The Thunder Hammer is scratch-built. I wanted to have an axe blade along with the hammer face. It sort of does look like a big meat tenderizer, but then again, why shouldn't the Wolf Guard have their steaks tender? I'll still have to sculpt Ragnar Blackmane's symbol on his left shoulder pad before painting.
I gave the mount a somewhat Gjermundby-style spectacled helmet to make the Viking influences more obvious, and drove the point home with the runes on the plates covering its shoulder blades.
Again, his Mk. VI battle helmet is attached to his belt. The rear of the wolf mount is somewhat unprotected, but it sort of makes sense to mostly protect the side that's going to charge the enemy and otherwise try to keep your equipment load light.

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