20 August 2015

Thunderwolf Cavalry with Mk. IV Armour, WIP

I still haven't completely made up my mind about Thunderwolf Cavalry. On one hand, it does sort of go against the whole "fighting on foot, the way Russ intended" thing, and is silly enough to register even in 40k context, where person-sized chainswords (chainswords!) is the norm. On the other hand, the models are IMO among the best GW has produced, as long as you take care posing the riders.

This is another old model, as can be seen in the ProCreate/Green Stuff mix used to make his chainsword and the wolf's chest armour. As the title says, this is still work in progress, more so than with most of my submissions so far; the wolf's chest armour needs some sort of decoration, and the little canine helmet could use some more details.
 The rider is wearing Mk. IV 'Maximus' power armour from Forgeworld. I imagine it to be something of a minor relic of the chapter, signifying his rank as a senior member of the Wolf Guard. I may also end up adding an extra decoration on his backpack, marking him out as the pack leader.
I thought the reins one of the more important aspects of the conversion. The thought of a veteran warrior trying to steer a charging wolf by telling it where to go was just ridiculous to me. The reins are made of fine chain I bought from a local craft shop (one of my better purchases).
The battle helm is hanging from his waist / mag-locked to his armour. I may yet add some identifying markers on it.

Final model here

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