19 August 2015

Redmaw Grey Hunter with an Aventail

The vanilla Space Marine Tactical Squad set comes with a few different kinds of torsos, most of which can be used for Space Wolves as is. However, the one with the laurel wreath may fit well with Ultramarines' Greco-Roman appearance, or Blood Angels' Renaissance Italy thing, but not really the celtic viking barbarians of Fenris. So, obviously, I had to hide the laurel wreath somehow, and since I had wanted to make a marine with extra mail defenses for some time, things lined up beautifully. I'm not sure if aventail is the correct term here, since it really refers to mail defense covering the gap between the helmet and the torso armour, but I thought it gets the point across well enough.
 I also decided to add some studs to the rim of his left shoulder guard, because why not. His bolter is the Umbra-Ferrox pattern from Forgeworld, because I like the chainblade bayonet.
The bolt pistol is also from Forgeworld, specifically the Space Marine Character Conversion Set. I assume it's mag-locked to his thigh armour, as described in the novels.
I never feel sure if a bayonet attachment on the bolter is enough to communicate that the model is also equipped with a close combat weapon, so I tend to also add a combat knife, just to be sure.

I intend to paint him in the colours of Bran Redmaw's Great Company. Many of them are wearing their helmets. In my head-canon, that's because they prefer to hide their faces, in case they are gripped by the curse of Wulfen.

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