22 August 2015

Bjorn the Fell-Handed

 Bjorn is probably my least converted special character by a fair margin. Not only did I use hardly any green stuff, it's actually built using mostly the original, official kit's parts. The biggest change I made was in the base, where I added a few layers of thin plasticard under his left foot to make the pose a little more dynamic. I also added the banner from the Space Wolves Pack kit and attach a couple of Wolf Tail Talismans using fine chain, instead of the larger pelt in the original kit.
 I'm fairly satisfied with the overall paint job. I kept him it pretty clean, to represent the amount of care the Iron Priests would put to upkeeping a Dreadnought of his status. I may paint Murderfang to look more worn down to contrast this, assuming I come up with a way to make the kit look good. I'm not a huge fan of the way that model looks. Of course, this also presents an interesting challenge. We'll see.
 I do like the way his claw turned out. Drybrushing paler from blue works well for frost weapons, especially with the red gems giving it contrast.

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