26 August 2015

Lukas the Trickster & a return to the drawing board with Bran Redmaw

Imperial Armour 11 may need some updating as far as the rules go, but I have always liked the backstory of Bran Redmaw, and since the book had at least some sort of rules for him, I started working on my model of The Curs'd Lord to lead one of the three Great Companies in my army. However, what I found myself working on would have been fine for some other Wolf Lord, but not for someone about to give in to his inner beast and turn into a monster at any moment.
 I mean, come on, most Ultramarine captains would call that posturing a little excessive.
I expect the torso will make a return in the form of a Wolf Guard pack leader or possibly a Deathwatch Captain, if I feel like thinking outside the box. The arms will probably be used for the final Bran Redmaw model, and someone else was glad to receive the legs...
 Lukas the Trickster, aka the Jackalwolf, is an interesting character, but once again, I didn't really like the way GW's model is posed. Pointing a wolf claw at the sky behind one's head doesn't make a lot of sense. I also thought the doppelgangrel pelt doesn't cover enough of him to be of any use, especially in a challenge. I chose to model and give him an older model of lightning/wolf claw, which I then posed in a way that suggests issuing a challenge. I imagine him saying "May I have this dance?" and then laughing mockingly.
The dramatic pose of the legs works well when the character is canonically arrogant.
I'm still planning to add a battle helm somewhere on his armour, where he can put it on if necessary, and may make his pelt a little longer and more dramatic.

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