29 August 2015

Arjac's Next Shieldbrother

Arjac's Shieldbrothers is potentially a fairly big project to model, especially for someone with my refusal to accept standard solutions. Not every model needs to have a huge gimmick, though. With this Shieldbrother, I had a couple of fairly simple goals: to have a Terminator with a mohawk, and to customize a hammerhead.
 There's not much to be said about the head. It's just a fairly typical male head with sideburns and a mohawk, sculpted to be shouting. Of course, sculpting a head could be a whole topic in itself, but I'll save that for later, in case I decide to make some sculpting tutorials in the future (not a simple thing, sculpting in general has more art than science to it, and using green stuff for the medium doesn't exactly make things more predicatble). For the hammer, I went for a design where four wolf claws hold on to a runed orb and with a fang-shaped backspike.
 The rest of the model uses a mixture of vanilla Space Marine Terminator and Wolf Guard Terminator parts, with pieces of cork on the base. The only other customized part is the shoulder guard, where I sculpted the Great Wolf that Stalks the Stars, or as the less nerdy people call it, that rearing wolf symbol.
This being the fourth Shieldbrother just on this blog, I should probably get around to finishing the pack leader model, not to mention my Arjac conversion.

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