16 August 2015

Grey Hunter from Bran Redmaw's Great Company

This time, I decided to show one of my more mundane models. This Grey Hunter from Bran Redmaw's Great Company was built without any Green Stuff, though I did use some Forgeworld components, such as Mk.V legs and torso. The head was from vanilla Space Marine Tactical Squad sprue, but I decided to use it anyway, since it did have a mohawk. Coupled with the runic tattoo I painted on him and the wolfy mcwolfwolf weapons and backpack, I figured it would be wolfy enough.
You may notice his skin is pretty dark. I decided to paint him to represent a Sky Warrior recruited from one of the Southern Fenrisian tribes mentioned in the fluff.
 As with most bareheaded models, excluding those in Terminator armour, I had him carry his helmet with him. As with the bolt pistol, I figured it would be mag-locked to his armour. The runic design on his face is repeated on his helmet.

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