1 April 2016

Ragnar Blackmane's Wolf Guard Terminator with an Assault Cannon

When I first got into 40k, the things that really got my attention in the second edition rulebooks were Terminator armour and Assault Cannons. Terminator models back then were metal and significantly smaller than the current ones, but they still looked big, bulky and mean, which I liked. The multi-barreled assault cannon looked like it went well with the big power armour of the Terminators.
When I returned to the hobby and started collecting Space Wolves, I particularly liked the belt-fed Assault Cannon in the Wolf Guard Terminators kit and knew from the start I'd have to make one. I decided to first make an archetypal Terminator as I saw it, with some extra wolfy bits to make him fit the chapter. So, this is another older model, and in fact the first Terminator model of the Chapter. I touched up the paintwork a little, but the model itself is mostly as it was back then.
 I wanted the model's helmet to differ from the rest of the armour, and black seemed an appropriate colour choice. The wolf's head pack marking was a simple, but functional choice. At the time, I used too much shade when painting yellow, which causes blotchiness. I mostly avoid yellow shade now.
At the time, I sometimes used Blood For the Blood God to give the weapons the appearance of having been used recently. I find I rarely like the end result, so I don't do that much anymore, and usually apply it after varnishing.
I don't know why, but I always liked the idea of deep red left shoulder pads on Wolf Guard Terminators. I think it goes well with the black-and-yellow colour scheme.
The assault cannon was painted with Warplock Bronze before thoroughly drybrushing with Leadbelcher, shaded with Nuln Oil and finished by lightly drybrushing with Ironbreaker. I still sometimes use this method for larger metal surfaces.

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