26 April 2016

The Blackmanes Blood Claw #8

I'm pushing to finally get my Blood Claws pack done. I started the project a long time ago, then buried it for a while and restarted it. It's been ages, and I think it's time to get it done. That's not to say I'm going to rush the project.
The chainsword is from a Mk.IV Despoiler Squad of Forgeworld's Horus Heresy line.
I decided to give the head an asymmetrical snarl, since I've already sculpted more than a few symmetrical snarls and howls. I may decide the pack needs a few more laughing models, though.
The left shoulder pad is the second to last old model Blackmane shoulder pad I had left. Not to worry, though, since the new Horus Heresy -era Space Wolves shoulder pads from Forgeworld look to be pretty much identical to the Blackmanes' company markings.
Again, I rememberd to add the helmet before photographing the model. I'm on a roll, which is almost definitely going to end now that it's been acknowledged.

I haven't decided if I actually leave this pack at ten models instead of the planned 15. My reasoning for the possible change is the Greatpack formation from Warzone Fenris, which would make a 10-man pack of Blood Claws boarding a Drop Pod a reasonable choice. It remains to be seen, though.

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