10 April 2016

Sicarian Ruststalker, painted

I sometimes forget that I have an Adeptus Mechanicus army, too. The models aren't as poseable and easily convertd as Space Marine models tend to be (though I've noticed an unfortunate trend of chipping away this benefit in the more recent releases), and when I decided on the reddish-brown bases, I did pretty severely limit my basing options. However, I do try to grow the army, little by little.
 The freely rotating wrist joints of the Sicarians enable some martial techniques that would be very difficult, if not impossible, for an unenhanced human to perform. For example, changing the sword between what functions much like a reverse grip and a normal grip wouldn't work as well on normal wrists, as a normal hand would probably accidentally fling away any blade with actual weight to it. I decided that, since the Ruststalker is armed with two swords, it'd have the other one behind its back, ready to parry or counterattack as necessary, while keeping the point towards its opponent.
 The colour scheme on the swords is still pretty effective, with the transition from black to white through blue. It's pretty hard to imagine what the actual sonic-based blades would look like, and I have no idea why they'd really glow blue, but again, let's not overthink 40k.
I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome of the model. I'm still not sure how to avoid the clone trooper syndrome, but as long as I keep the army small, that shouldn't be a problem, and that, in turn, should be simple enough, because the assembling the models gets samey pretty soon.

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