15 April 2016

Fifth Wulfen, painted

Units of five models tend to not be all that useful. Smaller model mass means fewer attacks in assault and fewer wounds the unit can absorb before being wiped out. However, with the Wulfen, I feel like five-man packs is the way to go. If I have ten models, splitting them into two packs and using them as a Murderpack formation makes more sense than having one large pack that will be shot at by everything in the enemy army.
 I decided I wanted at least one of my Wulfen to have dark skin. The variance in skin tones helps make the pack look like it consists of individuals, instead of copies from one template.
I considered painting the skull's helmet in winter camo at first, but decided against it. The skull has clearly been on the ground long enough to be picked clean, and while it's impossible to know how long the winters are on whatever planet my bases represent in any given situation, the dark green is suitable pretty much anywhere.
 The 13th Great Company shoulder pads still work, which is good, because it would be a problem if they stopped working before the pack was done. The dark skin was painted by starting with Rhinox Hide over black undercoat, painting that Doombull Brown, shaded with Druchii Violet and finally highlighted with Gorthor Brown.
My first pack of Wulfen is now done, excluding transport (though the Land Raider Crusader or the Stormwolf could fill that role very easily), and I think I will focus on other stuff before starting on a second one.

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