12 April 2016

Wulfen Pack Leader, painted

 Slowly but surely, I keep building up my Wulfen pack. The pack leader is arguably the most important challenge of the project. The standard model's goofy looks embodies much of why the Wulfen models are ridiculed, and my goal with the Wulfen is to distinguish the models enough from the originals to get rid of the goofiness, and at the same time keep them recognisable.

One of the more central ideas behind this model was the juxtaposition between the old Thousand Sons helmet on top of his power pack and the new(er) one on the ground. I wanted to give the impression the Wulfen had been fightin Chaos for millennia.
Other than that, the model was a fairly standard Wulfen. I did paint him pale and redheaded, in an effort to display the same variety of fleshtones and hair colours as the 41st millennium Space Wolves.
 In addition to the helmet driven through with a combat knife and the bone rack, I painted the Chaos Marine helmet in Black Legion colours, to show that the Wulfen hadn't forgotten who the archtraitors were (you could argue that the Word Bearers are the true archtraitors, but I'll let the Ultramarines worry about them -- if their Codex is so great, let them prove it).
 The Wulfen pack is now 80% finished, or 90%, if you consider the modelling part to be equal to painting. I haven't decided on a transport for these guys yet, but I've been considering adding a Godhammer pattern Land Raider to the Blackmanes for a while now. I may yet choose to kill two birds with one stone.

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