24 April 2016

Seventh Blackmane Blood Claw, redux

Sometimes sculpting just doesn't go right. You may have done something just fine dozens of times, and then find yourself doing amateur mistakes (well, I'm not a professional sculptor, so technically, all my mistakes are amateur mistakes). Also, you may not notice those mistakes right away. My previous Blood Claw's face and hair just didn't look right on a closer inspection. The head was very slightly too small, which I could have lived with, but the neck was way too short and thin. I decided it needed to be redone.
 While I was redoing the model, I decided to change the pose a little, too. As I previously pointed out, there already was a Blood Claw in the pack aiming with his pistol, and I want my Blood Claws to focus on the assault more, so I swapped the weapons' places. The pose now looks like he might be blocking an attack, preparing to fire his pistol or just looking around for his next target.
I decided to swap the hair, too. There already are plenty of Blood Claws with mohawks around, so I swapped it with a high top knot. I imagine he looks up to his Wolf Lord, as many of his Blood Claws do, and wanted to somewhat imitate his hairstyle. The hair may still need some finishing touches before painting, though.
Also note that I remembered to add the battle helmet.
The weapons previously planned for this guy will be used for his packmates fairly soon. I may also take another look at the first head and see if it could be reused.

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