8 April 2016

Servitor (Work in Progress)

Servitors are some of the more disturbing pieces of 40k lore. The idea of punishing someone by repurposing their body to perform some menial tasks, while their brain is basically cut out of the loop, sounds like a horror movie's premise.Unfortunately, I think that the GW standard Servitor models look too lively for what they're supposed to be. For that reason, I made my own.
 At first, I thought of using pieces from the Kataphron Battle-Servitor kit for the servo-arm, but though I had built my Kataphrons as Destroyers and had all the close-combat claw weapons unused, they didn't really look like they'd fit the part, so I would have to build by own.
Servitors are supposed to have carapace armour. I decided mine was a Blood Claw who managed to cross an Iron Priest badly enough to be made an example of. His Black Carapace implant would serve the role of the standard carapace armour.
I don't really know why an Iron Priest would have a Servitor wear trousers any more than I have my screwdrivers wear necklaces, but the other options would have been to actually have a nude Servitor, probably with some strategically placed wire bundles, or to cut him in half at the waist. The latter is still an option for the other Servitors I intend make, but for now,  I decided the Servitor would have trousers on, just as the GW standard models do.
The face is something I paid a lot of attention to. I tried to make the model look as slackjawed as possible, to show that he only moves the muscles he's been programmed to.
 I tried to really make the model look bulky enough to have been a Sky Warrior, until he did something seriously dumb and had an Iron Priest decide he'd serve the Chapter better as a walking monkey wrench than as a warrior. I think the most effective way to get this across is to focus on the shoulders and the neck muscles.
There's still plenty of work to do with the model's servo arm. This is true of anything mechanical-looking made out of green stuff. I plan to still add a whole bunch of cables and possibly modify a Space Marine backpack and give it to the model as a power source for his bionic components, the hydraulic claw in particular. Not sure about that, though, as I'd like the model to be completely scratch-built, excluding the base.
I also intend to give the model suitably Blood Claw-esque hair.

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