22 April 2016

Blackmane Grey Hunter with a Power Sword

Grey Hunters are the backbone of a Space Wolves army, and I decided mine needed some more of them. As I haven't gotten around to buying the newer kits with 32 mm bases yet, I figured this would be a good time to try to use up the previous ones (okay, that's not happening any time soon).
I could have started with the vaerangi, but decided to go with a model armed with a power weapon instead because... well, why not. The model was partially inspired by Chris Wraight's novel Blood of Asaheim that dealt with runed swords a lot. Of course, the pack described in the novel wouldn't be rules legal (Heavy Bolters aren't available for Grey Hunters and the pack can only have one power weapon in addition to the Wolf Guard Pack Leader's), but I'm not really trying to recreate it anyway, just to take inspiration from it.
I wanted to finally use up the pair of Mk. IV legs I'd had in my bitz box for ages, but I don't generally speaking see Blood Claws using anything older than Mk. V parts, and even those only because of the armour mark's substandard performance. Grey Hunters, on the other hand, would sometimes get a chance to use some of the minor relics of the Chapter, including armour dating back to the (end of the) Great Crusade.
I wanted to change the hair a little from the standard mohawk. This Grey Hunter wears his hair braided in the middle and shaves his temples, which I feel bridges the gap between the pop culture's mohawk vikings and the historical ones with a penchant for combing and braiding their hair and beard.
 I decided the model should have a broken, runed power sword. The historical scramasax was at least sometimes made from a broken Anglo-Saxon sword, if I understand correctly. I also remade the pommel to fit the early medieval style of short grips (actually very important to the way they possibly were used -- I may make a whole post on this subject later).
The bolter was originally converted back in the late 90s or early 00s, when I first started 40k, and I decided it was high time to use it for something. I also remembered the battle helmet on the first try this time around, yay!

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