19 April 2016

Space Hulk's Sergeant Lorenzo, painted

It's been a while since I posted an update on Space Hulk miniatures. At this rate, it's gonna take a looong while before the whole set is completed, especially since I've barely even started on the Genestealers yet. Anyway, here's Wonderw... Sergeant Lorenzo.

I don't know if it's because of the difference in miniature quality between Space Hulk and normal 40k miniatures, but for some reason, I had a lot of trouble with the face of the model. The colours kept looking weirdly flat. I did finally manage to get it done well enough, though Kislev Flesh does look a little bit unhealthy, in my opinion. Of course, the Astartes spend most of their time on spaceships, in their fortress monastery and wearing helmets, so some pallor is very fitting.
 The model's sword was first painted with a mix of Leadbelcher and Altdorf Guard Blue (IIRC), then highlighted with Runefang Steel. I like the effect that this gives, with the sword being blue enough to give the impression of being powered, yet metallic enough to make it clear it's not supposed to be a lightsabre.
Lorenzo's cloak's highlighting wasn't very successful, and I may have to redo it at a later date. I used too wet a brush, with too much paint on it. In hindsight, it would probably been good to thin the white with some Lahmian Medium first.
I may (and probably should) start to paint the Space Hulk models a little more frequently in the future. I recently relocated the Librarian Calistarius model included in Space Hulk set, which was a relief, as I thought I had lost the model. After all, with no Calistarius, there's no Mephiston, and with no Mephiston, who's going to scare the kids on Baal?

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