17 April 2016

Seventh Blood Claw of the Blackmanes

Space Marines turned 30 yesterday, so congratulations to the big, genetically manipulated, typically either angry or at least grumpy supersoldiers.
Since my last few updates revolved around ancient warriors from the early days of the Imperium, I'll now go to the other extreme and continue making my Blood Claw pack.
 This Blood Claw is an fairly archetypical example of what he is, with the exeption of the variety of various types his armour and weaponry consists of. He's wearing Mk. VI legs, Mk. V arms, Mk. IV backpack and a variant of Mk. VII chest. The chainsword is an ancient type, used typically together with the Mk. II and III armours, and the bolt pistol is the one used with Mk. IV. Towards the end 41st millennium, Space Wolves (as well as most Chapters) would have necessarily combined the various pieces of kit in their inventory through the millennia to make functioning wholes.
 The pose is recycled from another Blood Claw in the same pack. I don't see a problem with that, though, as some things in combat are going to be repeated, such as firing a sidearm.
I forgot to add a helmet on the model, but will do that before painting it.
 Up until now, the model is admittedly rather generic, and I plan to add some decoration in the painting phase. Not too much, though, since I imagine Iron Priests frowning upon whelps overtly tampering with their wargear, and being turned into a servitor isn't a great way to be remembered, even if a servitor would probably stay "alive" longer than an average blood claw.

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