29 March 2016

Long Fang with a Plasma Cannon

I decided I wanted to sculpt something again for a change. Now, I usually have at least a few projects I'm working on at any given moment, but the amount of time I put into any of them varies. Lately, I've been actively working on two models. The other will need some more work before it's ready to be shown, but this one was done fairly quickly.
 The plasma gun is from the older Space Marine Devastator Squad kit, and as such, didn't have any wolfy bits on it (neither do the newer ones, I understand). I decided that Long Fangs are venerable enough to have a wolf's head mounted on the power pack, so I went on to sculpt one. I don't want to have too many of these on my models, as Logan Grimnar famously has one, as does Njall Stormcaller. However, the large and bulky backpacks that come with heavy weaponry IMO need something to decorate them.
According to the fluff, Long Fangs have centuries of experience and keep their heads cool under fire. A roaring or grimacing face would look off. For that reason, I wanted his head to look calm or even be laughing.It may not look obvious, but the corners of his mouth are turned up.
The pelt covering his left shoulder came from the Thunderwolf Cavalry kit.
I like plasma cannons, as they have high enough strength to pose a threat to most units in the game, and can lay down a template to threaten hordes. The downside is that statistically, one in 18 shots kills the model firing it (assuming standard power armour). With just one of them in a pack, losing a model to Gets Hot! is not a huge risk.

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