25 March 2016

Sixth Blood Claw of the Blackmanes, painted

I managed to buy a new bottle of undercoat spray (more of a challenge than it should be, but there are no retailers in my town that stock more than a handful of GW products), so I could get back to painting. I decided to start with the Blood Claw.
I wanted to touch up the face and hair a bit before starting. I added a nasolabial crease on the right side of his face, giving his snarl a little more character. I also added some texture to the top of his hair.
 The kneepads were painted in the usual way, with army badge on one and pack markings repeated on the other.
I decided to go for another ginger model, painting the model's exposed skin in appropriately pale colour, even though Canis Helix probably has more to do with Space Wolves' tendency towards red hair than whatever gene combination is responsible for it in modern human population.
 I knew I wanted the back of the model's head to have some stubble, and decided to also slap some on his face. I like the way it turned out.

The older model power pack and the sawtooth pattern on the helmet's crest differentiate the model from his packmates.
I decided not to have any modelling snow or tufts of grass on the base. I think I can get away with it when the base is this small. Not sure if I'd do it with the newer, 32 mm bases, though.

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