4 March 2016

Wulfen with Frost Claws and Stormfrag Auto-Launcher, painted

As painting projects, The Wulfen are fairly different from other Space Wolves miniatures. There are few areas of smooth armour plate visible, and the transitions to fur on their elbows, heels etc. offers a challenge not seen on most other miniatures.
At first, I was going to paint the model's hair as blonde, but wasn't really satisfied with the way it looked. I may try it again with some other member of the pack, but considering that the Wulfen have lived for thousands of years, most of them have probably gone well gray.
As the first member in the pack I've painted, I had to choose a pack marking. I decided to go for the runes again, using a white wunjo rune on a red field. The white-and-red pack markings go well with the established 13th Great Company badge of a red wolf's head over a white crescent moon.
 Speaking of, I like the way the model's darker gray left pauldron with the ancient symbol turned out. It does the job I hoped it would, and ties the 40k army in with their 30k counterparts I also like the gray tufts of fur around the heels etc. 
The backpack looks like a fairly standard 40k Space Wolf backpack, which helps with the tying the past in with the present part. I somewhat wish I had used a little more imagination with the basing part, but the relatively open base doesn't look bad, it just doesn't really catch the eye, either.

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