8 March 2016

Wulfen with a Great Frost Axe and a Stormfrag Auto-Launcher

I'm continuing my trend of giving my Wulfen the Stormfrag Auto-Launchers. Points-wise, they're cheap, especially considering the total points costs of the models, and having enough of them might offset the low ballistic skill of the Wulfen. The current plan is to give one to everyone in the pack except for the pack leader, who would be the only one with a trophy rack instead. This would help distinguish the pack leader from the rest, and would also mean that the pack won't be left without assault grenades after one unlucky challenge.
 I glued the auto-launcher in a more upward position than on the other models. This was partially to get the right effect, but also because of the guy's wild head of hair, which would have gotten in the way if the launcher was too far forward.
 I glued a couple of pieces of cork to the base, and a skull from the Thunderwolf Cavalry kit. The intention is for the model to seem to be running on rocky ground.
I gave the model's backpack one of the medallions on chain from the Wolf Guard Terminator kit, and glued a wolftooth necklace to the shoulder pad. The latter took some green stuff to get a proper fit.
I'm hoping to get the model painted fairly soon, though I have another project underway (well, I always have way too many of those), so I don't know which will the next post be about.

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