27 March 2016

Stormwolf Assault Craft

This is another model I actually mostly finished a long time ago.I hadn't varnished it, though, and I was really unsatisfied with the freehand knotwork I had painted on it. Finally, I decided two things: that I need to finish the model and varnish it, and that I have to read up on Viking artwork to make better knotwork in the future.
 The varnishing process was a little tricky, as I didn't want to apply satin varnish on the windshield. I ended up covering it with some blue-tack.
I used more transfers on this model than most others. While I generally prefer somewhat less boxy shapes, all the straight planes do make applying transfers very easy.
 The Stormwolf/Stormfang kit does include a lot of nice presonalising touches, such as the decorative chains and shields. I thought the chains on a flyer stretched my suspension of disbelief a little further than I'd like, but the shield on front somehow didn't.
 I primarily plan to use this as a dedicated transport for the Blood Claws, once the pack is full, but didn't want to paint Blood Claw markings on the craft, because otherwise, I'd be too hung up on them to use it to transport anything else. Instead, I decided to slap on a bunch of fairly generic Space Wolves symbols.
I did give the craft Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company markings, since most of my other models either have another transport or will be deep striking in.
I do like the way the Hellfrost Cannon looks, with the runes glowing blue. No idea how it's supposed to conduct heat away from enemy troops, but I'm not too bothered. It's 40k universe, somehow even the vacuum of space has the ability to snap-freeze human bodies, despite being a perfect insulator.

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