1 March 2016

Wulfen with a Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield and Stormfrag Auto-Launcher

I haven't quite yet finished painting my first Wulfen, so I'll show another member of the pack. As much as I like the look of the bare clawed Wulfen hands, I'm planning to give all members of at least this pack weaponry, and after briefly thinking it over, I decided to have at least one of each weapon.
This model was probably the least converted of his pack. The arms and his pose are all standard, with the only deviation from the assembly manual being the switched head and having the heavy, unwieldy thunder hammer hanging low. I also posed the head in a little more extreme position and gave him a pauldron on his left shoulder, to go with his pack.
The increased survivability provided by the storm shield made this model an obvious carrier for the second Stormfrag launcher. The short length of chain was added for the model's decorative elements.
All of the Wulfen legs have one leg raised high up, which leaves plenty of room on the base.  I added a couple of pieces of cork on it to make it look a little more interesting. I'm considering also adding some shrubberies and/ or roots to the bases of the other pack members.

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