22 March 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter with a Meltagun

My new undercoat spray should be here tomorrow. In the meantime, I decided to make a post of another older model. Usually, when I do posts on these, I touch up the old paintwork a little, but rarely enough to do a big difference on the overall appearance (though careful application of a shade colour can do a lot for a model).
This is a member of the first proper pack of Grey Hunters I assembled and painted. I originally thought to make the pack as tooled up as possible, with all the possible upgrades. In hindsight, that makes the pack something of a jack of all trades, master of none, though it can be fairly effective when dropped in a pod right next to a deathstar unit. The two meltaguns and the plasma pistol should usually do at least some damage to pretty much anything right from the start, and if the opponent won't react, they'll have to take another turn of shooting and an assault from it, with plenty of attacks, including a power axe and a power fist. Of course, this is pretty expensive points-wise, so I'm not sure it's worth it.
 The head is originally from the Wolf Guard Terminators kit. I really like the brass eyepatch head, and knew I wanted to use it. I imagine he originally came from a different Blooc Claws pack than the others, something he pays homage to on his right kneepad. The left kneepad bears Ragnar Blackmane's army badge.
 I chose not to give his already decorative helmet any extra patterns, as I didn't want it to look too busy. Instead, I just painted the crest between the decorative lists red. As can be seen here, I used to paint much of the power packs in metal colour. Now, I prefer to paint most of them in the armour's main colour, but didn't want to repaint the whole backpack on the model.
The pack is still incomplete, with eight members, if I recall correctly. I think I will complete it at some point, fairly soon at that, since I don't want two members of the pack to have different size bases from the rest.

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