18 March 2016

Sixth Blackmane Blood Claw

I still haven't bought a new undercoat spray bottle, so while I continue to work on the couple of remaining Wulfen models, it will take some time to finish the pack. In the meantime, I decided to continue to slowly build up my Blood Claws. Slowly, because I still hold on to my decision to hand-sculpt all of my Blood Claws heads. I'd say GW somewhat forced my hand here, though, since so many of the standard Space Wolves heads just don't look like anything that could pass for a youngblood Space Wolf.
 The head admittedly isn't one of my best sculpts, and I may have to improve on it somewhat before painting. Especially the mouth area looks a little off.
The axe is a Phobos pattern chainaxe from Forgeworld, with all the chain teeth taken off and given a slight edge. I wanted at least some of my Blood Claws to have axes, and even if chainaxes would be very Space Wolfy, they're not a valid wargear option in the codex. The next best thing was to modify one. I intend to paint it in darkish metal colour, so it's not confused with a power axe. It also doesn't have the disruption field emitters power weapons have.
 I tried my hand at sculpting what is described as the historical hairstyle as worn by the Normans, ie. a short hair in front and shaved in the back. Historically, this was probably to allow more comfortable wearing of chain coifs, which may not have been worn with padded hood undermeath it back in the 11th century, as weird as that seems. The hair is another thing I may have to improve on before painting.
I wanted to give the model a holster for his bolt pistol. I imagine he prefers to use his axe two-handed on occasion, and doesn't want to just chuck his pistol for that (otherwise, an Iron Priest might chain it to his armour, too, as he did with his packmate) I also noticed that I forgot to include the battle helmet at this point, but will give him one prior to painting (third strike!).

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