15 March 2016

Grey Hunter of the Blackmanes with a Plasma Pistol, painted

Probably the biggest flaw in my Space Wolves army is that I currently have two packs of Grey Hunters, both from different Great Companies. Of course, Curse of the Wulfen brings in Greatpacks that generally allow Land Speeders to be used instead of Grey Hunters, but still, the situation resembles having a Space Marine armour with only two tactical squads. I intend to build at least a couple of Blackmanes Grey Hunter packs, designed for drop pod deployment. In the meantime, here's an older model.
Showing Grey Hunters having close combat weapons can be a little tricky. It's straighforward enough when I model them with chainswords, but if the model is holding shooting weapons in both hands, like here, adding a WYSIWYG close combat weapon takes some more effort. I usually try to model them with at least one combat knife and possibly a bayonet. In this case, I opted to give him two knives on his belt.
 I'm not sure about the bolter's white wolf head. In hindsight, it could have been better if I had also painted the model's hair light gray/white, effectively making him Geralt. As it is, I'll have to leave the witcher-Space Wolf until later date.
I could have made the plasma pistol's glow a little brighter, but again, that's hindsight. I am pretty satisfied with the way the model's pose, with the left arm holding the bolter looking like he actually might be capable of firing it and even hitting something.

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