1 May 2016

Blackmanes Blood Claw #8, painted

It's starting to look like I might actually get this pack finished at some point. I am running out of space on my display shelf, though, so I don't know where I'll put it when it is finished. I have a number of different options, some of which are more feasible than others. That's a problem for another time, though.
 I decided I wanted the model's hair to be very light blonde. To that end, I added small drops of dark brown and yellow to mostly black base, then kept adding white to the mix until I highlighted the hair by lightly drybrushing it with white. The model's face wasn't entirely a success, though. The eyes were somewhat poorly defined, making it tricky to paint them. It's not disastrous, but noticeable when examining the model more closely.
 I decided to paint a red zigzag-pattern on the helmet as an identifying marking. Truthfully, I didn't check if I had already used it in the same pack, and still haven't, because if it turned out I had, I'd be so annoyed, I'd have to repaint the helmet.
The model's original chainsword dropped to the floor and immediately disappeared as if it had been eaten by a house elf. I ended up replacing it with a Mk. II chainsword, quickly undercoating it and painting it in a simple colour scheme of metals and black.
The base was left fairly plain, with just a couple of small streaks of modelling snow.

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