13 May 2016

The Blackmanes' First Sky Claw

As I earlier mentioned, I bought a Mk. V Assault Squad from Forgeworld a while back. I obviously could have just used the standard Assault Squad parts, but I like the more archaic look on the older patterns of jump packs. Since Space Wolves generally don't hold jump packs in too high a regard, I thought it would also make sense they wouldn't have bothered to update them too often.
I haven't completely decided on the pack's composition yet, but probably will avoid at least the more expensive updates to make the pack a less tempting target.
The main body of the model is from a Space Marine Assault Squad kit, one of the first kits I bought when I started collecting Space Wolves. I started to build the models in the kit for the fifth edition codex, and this model was supposed to have Mark of the Wulfen. While most people would just differentiate models with the Mark by adding a face tattoo in the painting phase, but I went about it a little differently, by trying to sculpt a different, more bestial face and claws for the model. At the time, I couldn't quite pull it off, though, so the model was left halfway done, with a head I wasn't even slightly satisfied with, until recently.
 I still have one of the old Blackmanes' shoulder pads (with new ones from Forgeworld ordered), but on noticing that the model also has knee pads to paint the Great Company marking on, I decided to use a set of the Mk.V shoulder pads instead.
I like the way the unrimmed shoulder pads look with pack markings, and will have to try them out on the left side with the Great Company markings, too, at some point.
Will have to see how he looks painted, but generally speaking, I like the way the model turned out so far.
By the way, I'm not sure I'll be giving all of my Skyclaws bare heads, and am, in fact, leaning towards no. I'll know more once I've finished the first five models of the pack.

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