31 May 2016

Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarius Vanguard

Every once in a while, I remember that I have another army (well, a sapling of an army, anyway) and try to get on with that one, too. While AdMech will probably continue to be a secondary army at most, I would like to build it up to a level it can be used for a game of Kill Team, at least. Getting there, I now have two models in my Vanguard squad. 
 The model was painted along my established Mars Skitarii lines, with mostly dull steel plate and some bronze/brass for decoration, and deep red robes. The blue glow on the radium carbine was painted with Temple Guard Blue.
 Instead of the yellow-and-black striped pattern I often use, I chose deep red for most of the wires visible. I decided simplicity would be best in this case.
 The base was painted in a standard pattern, too, with Doombull Brown rim and drybrushed over Stirland Mud. In my opinion, it looks reddish enough to suggest Mars, without making the point too explicit.

I don't know when I'll end up finishing my next AdMech model. I still have a couple of Kataphron servitors to build and paint, not to mention a whole bunch of Skitarii. All in good time, or sometimes a little after the aforementioned good time has passed..

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