3 June 2016

The Blackmanes' Blood Claw #10

So, I read the Codex and this time tried keeping my eyes open while doing it, and it turns out you only get two Special Weapons in a full-strength Blood Claw pack. So, this guy is armed with just a bolt pistol and a close combat weapon, instead of a flamer as I was planning.
Anyway, we're up to double digits!
 I have thought of giving my Space Wolves piercings before, just never actually gone ahead with it. This is mostly because sculpting them is really very fiddly business. The nosering took a few tries to make, and it's just one piercing. It won't be the last, but we'll see how common they'll end up being.
The model's pose followed the usual Blood Claws style of enthusiasm over capability. I imagine him spraying bolts from the pistol as he's running, none too concerned over actually hitting something.
Also, I remembered the helmet, again!
I recently bought another Space Wolves Pack kit, and it came with the older, smaller bases, so I'm in no hurry to cross over to the larger ones. That's good, since I recently got started with another Grey Hunter pack. Also, this way, I won't have to worry about having different base sizes in this large pack.

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