12 June 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter with a Bolter

I recently started working on my second Grey Hunter pack of the Blackmanes' Great Company, so I decided to keep building it up. I doubt all of them will have custom-sculpted heads, as I actually have surplus of GW's standard heads, and I don't think I'll show them all pre-painted, either, unless I've actually done something worth mentioning at that stage. However, one of the helmets in the Devastator Squad kit I recently bought (I believe I mentioned there are some Long Fangs coming) inspired me to sculpt this head.

 The helmet has a covered right eye, and I think it makes most sense if the wearer has lost the use of his right eye. I could have used one of the heads from the Wolf Guard Terminator kit, but I have already used that one for another Grey Hunter. Besides, it gave me an excuse to only sculpt one of the eyes, and it's always a little tricky to get a pair of eyes to match.
 Other than the head, the model is somewhat standard Grey Hunter. I may add a bolt pistol somewhere on the model before painting, though.
The right foot is a little elevated, since I wanted to add at least some flavour to the model's otherwise vanilla Astartes legs.

In addition to this and the previous model, I've been thinking about assembling one more Grey Hunter to undercoat them all at the same time. There is the third Skyclaw, too, though, so I'm not sure about that. Remains to be seen.

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