19 June 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter with a Meltagun, painted

I plan to finish my Blood Claws pack at some point, but I'm running low on the standard Space Marine legs, and as I've mentioned, I prefer to save the more wolfy parts for the Grey Hunters and other senior members of the Rout. For this reason, I also don't like to use the legs in the Sternguard Veterans kit for Blood Claws, since those tend to be way too decorative for whelps. I'm considering ordering a set of Mk. VI armour from Forgeworld, to somewhat balance out the disproportionate number of Mk. V armour in my current army, but a Space Marine Assault Squad is something I intend to buy in the near future, for my second Skyclaw pack (I know, I'm still not even halfway through with Dreskor's Skybolts). It remains to be seen what I'll go with, but for now, I'll keep building up this Grey Hunter pack.

 I thought the head's featured called for a little darker skin, so I used a derivative of the olive skintone tutorial I used on a previous model. To make sure the model with with the rest of the army, I painted some runes on his scalp.
 I thought the left shoulderpad had some extra room on the bottom, so I painted the model's name (Anundr) in runic writing. I also personalized the helmet with some knotwork.
The model is a part of the same pack as the earlier Grey Hunter with the Power Sword with the tip broken off. The marking is straight from the Codex.
I also painted a knotwork animal pattern on the chainsword.

According to the Codex and my plans, the pack is supposed to have 10 models, so eight more to go.

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