21 June 2016

Grey Hunter of the Blackmaws with a Bolter, Bolt Pistol and a Chainsword

I have mentioned several times on this blog how much I like the Mk.V helmets, but Space Marine helmets do need a little something to make them suitable for the overall style of the Space Wolves. I have often tried to avoid this by giving the Mk.V helmets to Blood Claws, who wouldn't have earned their identifying marks yet, but I had to think of something. As it happens, I also like the visual style of the historical Gjermundbu-style Viking helmet and decided to see if the two can be combined.
 The fact that this model looks a lot like a Silver Age comic book hero (or, considering the mean look of the helmet, more likely a villain) didn't escape me. The darker material of the "spectacles" resembles a domino mask more than a little. It remains to be seen how it will look like once it's painted.
 I decided not to use a ready-made shoulder pad for the Great Company markings, preferring to sculpt one myself instead. I've found that The Blackmanes' shoulder pad, at the detail level fitting normal power armour scale, isn't too difficult to sculpt, nor does it take long. It helps that the wolf's head doesn't need to be completely flat by any means.
 I had assembled the Mk.V torso with the Wolf Cloak a good while back, and it's good to finally find a use for it.
I just noticed that the arms (Mk.II) and the backpack (Mk.VII) are the only parts on this model not of the Mk.V type. Occasionally, models gets themes through happy accidents.

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