7 June 2016

The Blackmanes' Blood Claw #10, painted

The Blood Claws pack now stands at 10 men strong. One of these is armed with a flamer, but I also have a Wolf Guard pack leader, making the pack usable as a full-fledged assault unit. Of course, at WS 3, Blood Claws aren't the most effective fighters against elite units, but I prefer to either assault softer targets or use them to tarpit tougher ones.

 I'm fairly satisfied with the way the model's face turned out. The sculpt was clean and allowed neat shading. The nosering ended up looking pretty good, as well.
I'm less satisfied with how I painted the Blackmanes' shoulderpad, though. In my opinion, the one included in the Space Wolves Pack kit has a little too shallow and not crisp enough form for painting. Of course, I could have just painted it more carefully, but that would have taken a lot more time and effort.
 Once again, I went for the sawtooth pattern on the helmet. It really doesn't serve to distinguish members of the pack from one another anymore, but I suppose that's yet another reason for them to go bareheaded.
The pack still could use a few more models (five, specifically) to enable me to field them either as a tarpit (especially if coupled with a Wolf Priest to make them Fearless, as well as to increase their survivability a little) or a moderately scary assault unit. As it is, it fits in a Drop Pod, which are now free of points in The Blackmanes' Legendary Greatpack, though I still need some more Grey Hunters and various Claws to be able to field one.

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