10 June 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter with a Meltagun

I've focused on Blood Claws a lot lately, probably because they pretty much need to be fielded in large numbers to get anything done. However, Grey Hunters are still the backbone of any Great Company, and my army currently sorely needs a pack armed with melta weaponry. I'm planning to make a ten-man pack armed with two meltaguns and a power weapon, as well as a Wolf Guard pack leader with a combi-melta, a total of 11 models. The model with the power weapon can be replaced with the pack leader, or if preferred, one of the bolter-armed models can be left out.

 I originally only intended to use all custom-sculpted heads for one pack of 15 Blood Claws, but the more aged features of Grey Hunters presented some interesting challenges. The younger a person is, the smoother their face usually is, too, so Blood Claws would generally have very subtle facial features. Grey Hunters, on the other hand, typically have a clearly defined adult person's face. I plan to make some Long Fangs in the future, and it will be interesting to sculpt their deeply lined faces.
 I wanted to use a different shoulder pad, so I added the Great Company badge on one of the ones included in the Space Wolves Pack. The chainsword is from the Mk.V Assault Squad kit. It would make more martial sense for him to wear it on his hip, but it's easier to fit it to the backpack.
The meltagun is a Legion Meltagun from Forgeworld. That would mean that the Grey Hunter must be highly respected to be trusted what is a relic from the age of the Great Crusade.

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