5 June 2016

The Blackmanes' Skyclaw #3

I usually give my Blood Claws very few Space Wolfy parts, such as pelts, talismans etc. I consider those to be something a Space Wolf has to earn, and Blood Claws are so thirsty for battle because they still have to prove their worth. However, every Grey Hunter, Wolf Guard and even Wolf Lord has at some point been a Blood Claw, and have proved their worth during that time. It stands to reason that a few of the Blood Claws should show some great promise they may yet live up to, should they live long enough.

The pack I'm currently building mentions a leader by name, and while the leader could be a Wolf Guard assigned to them for an extended period, I like to think Dreskor is a Skyclaw who has shown that he may yet prove to be a legend among Space Wolves, if he lives long enough.

 The idea started with the bionic arm holding a chainsword from the Space Marine Commander kit. At first I thought I'd use it for a Grey Hunter or another more experienced Space Wolf, but then I had the idea of how a Blood Claw, and a Skyclaw at that, might prove himself, and concluded that it would probably involve being wounded in battle. I sculpted a scarred face to go with the bionic arm, and gave the model somewhat more decorated legs.
I did end up having a little more trouble with the head than usual, as the toothpick it was attached to broke while I was still sculpting it. For that reason, I will still have to touch up the head before painting.
 I also wanted to personalize the model's jump pack, and decided to simply add a couple of small wolftail talismans from the Wulfen kit. I may end up also adding some decoration in the painting phase.
Since Dreskor has proven himself to be a tough fighter, though still not levelheaded enough to become a Grey Hunter, he has been issued with a Phobos pattern bolt pistol. Partially due to his hotheadedness (he is a Skyclaw, after all) and partially because he travels with a jump pack and doesn't want to drop things, the pistol has been chained to his vambrace. The sword is not chained, as I imagine the bionic arm can be counted on to hold on to it even when the going gets tough.

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