14 June 2016

Skitarius Vanguard with an Arc Rifle, painted

Every once in a while, I like to build and paint some AdMech models. I don't expect to have a functional army any time soon, but I'm not in a hurry, and eventually, I'll have enough to play a small game with (especially if amended with my House Taranis Knight).
I particularly like the Skitarii models, as they can be built either as Rangers or as Vanguards, and both types have a distinct look of their own.
Most of my Vanguard models are modeled either running or currently firing, to differentiate them from the Rangers, more specialised for ranged combat. I decided Arc Rifle should be currently fired, as the cable running to the backpack doesn't allow a lot variation in poses. The electric glow on the Arc Rifle was achieved with Temple Guard Blue.
 I also decided to add some glow to the backpack, since it's supposed to be powering the rifle. I painted some yellow stripes to one of the cables from the backpack.
I paint the metal armour on the Vanguards first with Warplock Bronze, then drybrush it with Leadbelcher, shade with Nuln Oil and finish by drybrushing it with Ironbreaker. I like the dark metal look, so I don't use Runefang Steel or Necron Compound on most metal pieces.

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