15 May 2016

Second of the Blackmanes' Skyclaws

The first model of the pack is already being painted (well, I've undercoated it), so I decided to forge ahead and assemble another one. Since I already gave myself the permission to do so, I decided to just glue a helmet on the guy instead of sculpting a head from scratch.
 With the Skyclaws being basically Blood Claws on espresso, I wanted the pose to reflect activity to the point of recklessness. I did this mostly by rotating the torso far from the neutral position and partially by attaching the left arm in a very tense-looking position.
I don't think it would look too good if the pack had a mix of various jump packs, so I intend to give at least these Skyclaws all older models of jump packs. I did some research on their fluff, and apparently, it's questionable if these older models were still in use anywhere in the 41st millennium, but considering Space Wolves' reluctance to use them, I think at least one pack might be equipped with them, if only because the newer, more efficient models were not available (after all, Skyclaws die like flies, and it takes time to repair the equipment they leave behind).
Part of the reason I made a post of a figure with no Green Stuff anywhere on it was this: I have now officially used my last older model The Blackmanes' shoulder pad, and wanted it documented.

I expect I'll get back to this pack fairly soon, though I'll definitely want to finish the Blood Claws pack at some point, too, and by finish, I mean taking it up to 15 models. That's six more scratch-built heads. Better get to it.

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