17 May 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter with a Broken Power Sword, painted

Sometimes, I end up making some changes to the models between making a post on them and painting them. Usually it's something minor, such as adding a piece of cork to the base or slightly improving the sculpt's hair texture, but this time, I forgot adding something relatively important to the idea I had of the model.
 The piece of the power sword I originally cut off is hanging from his necklace. My headcanon is that the Grey Hunter was fighting an Eldar exarch, and frankly, not doing so well. The enemy had managed to block, turn aside or evade every one of his attacks, until he made one last, desparate attempt. That one would have been blocked, too, but in his arrogance, the enemy placed his sword before the very tip of the sword, which, after taking numerous dents and chips on the course of the long campaign, broke off at that very moment, letting the rest of the sword strike the opponent's otherwise unprotected body.
The grey hunter later had his sword's nicks and chips repaired, refusing to replace the blade or to even let the Iron Priests reattach the tip back to the weapon, carrying it as a talisman with him instead.
 The model in itself was fairly typical Grey Hunter. I used my preferred method of painting steel, ie. starting with a Warplock Bronze basecoat, drybrushed with Leadbelcher, shaded with Nuln Oil and finally highlighted with Ironbreaker. I prefer the darker shades in general and with steel in particular.
The runes were painted with thinned-down Temple Guard Blue. The runes on the piece around his neck were not painted, as the piece would not be powered when it's being carried on a leather string.
 The helmet's crest, poorly seen here, had a vaguely Borre-style red chain pattern painted on it. Incidentally, I may or may not have been reading up on Viking art lately. 
I chose the pack marking from the latest Codex, among the Grey Hunter packs listed as being under Ragnar Blackmane's command at the battle for Alaric prime. I thought it would be weird if none of those troops were among my Ragnar Blackmane army. I elected not to use transfers, preferring to get some freehand painting practice instead.

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