10 May 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter in Mk.IV Armour, painted

I decided to varnish another one of my older miniatures again. This one raises some questions, especially regarding his armament. I originally planned to count the Eviscerator simply as a chainsword, considering that Grey Hunters can't take them according to the codex, but that could be somewhat confusing, considering the weapon's profile. I eventually settled on treating the model as being armed with a power fist. Of course, his pack already has a model with a power fist, but that can be pretty easily fixed by changing the pack markings on one of the models.
I wanted one of my Grey Hunters to have a full set of Mk. IV 'Maximus' Power Armour. He'd have to be a fairly respected member of his pack to be allowed to use such an ancient and respected battle plate, which would also be reflected in his armament.
To make the model look like a Space Wolf, I simply gave him a wolftail talisman on his belt and a piece of pelt on his left shoulder pad.
 I like to think that the yellow markings on his blade represent saga-worthy kills, for which he hopes to be promoted to the Wolf Guard at some point.
The metal-coloured bottom part of the models backpack shows that the model is relatively old.
The right shoulder pad's pack marking turned out fairly neat and tidy, and I may end up changing the other Power Fist -wielding model's pack marking. Note that he also has a bolt pistol on his hip and a bolter locked to his backpack, completing the Grey Hunter's wargear.

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