24 May 2016

Grey Hunter with a Power Fist

I'm currently painting and assembling some models, but haven't recently finished any, so this post concerns an older model I touched up a bit. He's from the same pack as the recent Eviscerator-armed Grey Hunter, though I'm thinking about changing the pack marking on the latter model.
 I tried custom-sculpting some decoration for the model, as can be seen on the chestpiece. I'm not terribly satisfied with the level of detail on the decoration, but it would be too much of a hassle to replace it at this point, so I'll just let it be. Besides, the sculpting job that really annoys me here is the wolf's head on the left shoulder pad, which is a lot cruder than I'd prefer.
I am, however, pretty satisfied with the pack marking on the left knee pad.
 The model shows its age in the rear view. Not only is the backpack painted differently from my current style, there's no helmet anywhere on the model. Admittedly, it's not something you're likely to notice unless you're looking for it, but it mildly annoys me now.
There are two reasons why I plan to change the Eviscerator-armed model's pack markings and not this one's. First of all, the Eviscerator, though usable in the counts as -sense, is not available as standard equipment for Space Wolves, and I have already painted this pack's markings on a drop pod. Second, this one has pack marking repeated on the knee pad, so if I changed them, I'd have to change them both.

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