29 September 2015

Wolf Guard Terminator w/ Cyclone Missile Launcher

As can probably be noticed from how many Terminator models I've shown on this blog already, I really like the Wolf Guard Terminators kit. The legs look better than the standard Space Marine Terminator legs, the Assault Cannon is much cooler with the ammunition belt feed, and it includes several close combat weapons, not to mention all the wolf tail talismans, signal horns etc. However, it doesn't include the Cyclone.
 Now, CML isn't the only reason I've bought vanilla Terminator sets. I also like to sometimes decorate the pieces myself to get more unique models. Pre-wolfified parts are nice for a time, but they make repetition more immediately obvious. In this case, I kept it simple: custom-sculpted head, some mail over a pelt, a chain across the chest and a trophy.
 As can be seen, all the custom decorations face the front, with just standard plastic parts on the sides and nothing in the rear. Even the base is simple.
For a long time, I considered giving him a Thunder Hammer / Storm Shield combo instead of the current armament and add him to the Shieldbrothers, but decided against it, thinking that it may not be worth it to give an already expensive close combat unit such an expensive ranged weapon. Ideally, the Shieldbrothers spend much of a game in close combat, and couldn't really fire their ranged weapons if they had them. In a worst case scenario, I'd fire the missile launcher, kill off the two closest enemy models and for that, fail to charge.

By the way, this wasn't the model I planned to show in this blog post, but the other one wasn't quite ready yet. Next time: not a Terminator, for once.

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