3 September 2015

First of the Void Claws, finished

The first actual model I blogged about is now painted, based and varnished. In a word, finished. More importantly, I'm pretty happy with the way it looks.
 I left the helm more or less undecorated, instead focusing on decorating the body. The combination of the Wolf Guard torso and the customised legs, together with the purity seals and extra cabling, gives the model enough character, without appearing too busy (on 40k scale, at least). 
 I was initially going to just paint the rims on his shoulder guards with a metal colour, but then decided to do a little better and painted the alternating triangles in Wolf Guard colours. I'm glad I did, as this looks a lot more interesting. Also, the studded leg looks good, giving the model some extra edge.
The chains are where I was originally going to connect the extra cables, but the part of the model was a little too flimsy for that. I stuck the chains in to cover up the holes. This way, the model's back has something interesting going on, too, even if they do resemble a tail a little more than I'd like.

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