20 September 2015

Imperial statue, painted

I thought the box I use for a set could use some more decoration (as well as some vacuuming, but that's beside the point, not to mention not done yet), so I decided to finish the statue I had made.

I wanted the parchment hanging off the statue to have one of those large, decorative capital letters, sometimes seen in Medieval manuscripts. I chose T because of its simple, symmetric shape. I like to imagine the parchment has the lyrics for AC/DC's Thunderstruck, which the Imperial faithful then sing as a Gregorian-style chant.
I had originally planned to paint the statue to look like it's made of weathered bronze, but I noticed the picture this was inspired by featured what looks like a golden statue, so I decided to go for gold, too. It looks a lot darker in the pictures than in real life, which suggests that I could use a little more light on the set. Will look into that.
Getting the snow on the statue look right turned out to be a lot trickier than I thought. At first, I tried to spray a little varnish over it directly from above and then sprinkle the model snow over it, but it didn't really work. Then, I tried to figure out where the snow would naturally collect and place it there, but I wasn't too crazy about the result then, either. It seems like Citadel's snow is too thick to be used like this. I have to take a look at the alternatives, such as Woodland Scenics, when I get the chance.

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