4 September 2015

Blood Claw of the Blackmanes & a change to the update schedule

Some time ago, I decided my army needed a large pack of Blood Claws. Fair enough, except that most of the default Space Wolf heads have at least some beard, and in my head canon, Blood Claws are expected to shave their faces until they earn the rank of a Grey Hunter. According to the fluff, most Blood Claw packs are fairly large, and one of the reasons Space Wolves often go bareheaded is so that they can be recognised when accomplishing great deeds. Blood Claws would have greater need to be recognised than most, so it stands to reason that all or nearly all of them would be modelled bareheaded.
Now, that makes a tricky combination: a large group of models, modeled bareheaded, with few heads that fit the bill. I would have to get sculpting.

Sculpting fifteen heads out of Green Stuff was a tall order. I still haven't finished them all, though that was mostly because I got distracted by other projects until now. I decided this one should be the first of the pack to be finished.
I was reasonably satisfied with the sculpt I had previously done, though it did need some cleaning up. I defined his jawline a little more and made his neck a little thicker. I also made his mohawk taller and more hair-like.
 I chose to leave his armour pretty unadorned. I assume that warriors need to earn the pelts, necklaces, totems etc. they wear, and a Blood Claw would have a hard time earning them. On one hand, they are less experienced and skilled, and on the other, their commanders are going to want to keep them hungry for glory. A complacent Blood Claw is not going to be of a lot of use.
 I glued soem pieces of cork to the base, as usual, to make it look a little bit more interesting. It does make him stand out somewhat, which is exactly what a Blood Claw is going to want to do.
His left shoulder pad is from Games Workshop's resin Space Wolf shoulder pad kit that was apparently discontinued when they released the new plastic upgrade kits.

Also, as mentioned in the title, I'm changing the update schedule for this blog. In the future, I'm going to post on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. This is because on average, it takes me longer than a day to either finish modelling or painting a figure (after all, this is not my job), and I need the days off to have something to show. I was able to keep up daily updates so far because of the models I had already finished, but there's a limited number, and I prefer to have some in the buffer. Also, not having to worry about quantity allows me to focus more on quality.

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