31 July 2016

Two Grey Hunters and a Pack Leader, painted

As I stated on my previous post, my plan originally was to paint these models and finish another group for this post, but turns out it didn't work like it did with the Fenrisian wolf pack. The wolves are very simple to paint, involving mostly just drybrushing. Grey Hunters have a few different coloured layers, as well as talismans, pelts, individual markings etc. I should have known that just based on the fact that my previous pace was three painted models per week, but as usual, hindsight tends to be very sharp.

 The bareheaded Grey Hunter was largely a very standard model with standard bits, with the exception of the custom-sculpted head and left pauldron. I had only sculpted a moustache on him, but I didn't want him to look too neatly-shaven, so I mixed some Stormvermin Fur with Lahmian Medium and painted stubble where his hair and beard would be. I'm fairly satisfied with how the overall effect turned out.
 I didn't take a picture of his axe pre-painting, but it was fully custom-sculpted, too. I decided to make it look like the axehaft was mounted at the end of the femur of some large animal. It could be the Fenrisian Wolf he hunted down to earn his promotion to a Grey Hunter, or some other native Fenrisian beast.
 One problem I have with the Mk.VI helmet is that the smoother shape makes it somewhat harder to paint identifying marks on them. In this case, I decided to leave the conical face area black, instead of painting it in the standard Russ Grey. I like the effect.
Assembly-wise, this was the simplest of the three models, consisting of all standard parts, but it works fine, proving that though I like to add some custom sculpting to as many of my models as possible, it's not strictly speaking necessary.
 I didn't want to paint the pack leader's skin in the standard pale skintone I so often use for my Space Wolves, so I decided to go for an olive skintone instead. The glow effect on the power spear was achieved with Temple Guard Blue, as usual.
I recently bought some new, darker grass tufts, and I'm not sure if I actually like the effect with the frozen earth bases I use. I will have to try using them together with the darker winter grass before I form my opinion.
Here's the whole trio in one shot. The smaller bases these three still use all fit well on the pedestal I use, even with these poses that are less than economical with their use of space. I'm reasonably happy with how they turned out. Each one looks individual enough to be a Space Wolf, yet is clearly part of the same unit.

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